Resource Search

My Role 

Resource Search was one of those projects where UX was brought in from its’ inception. As the product designer, I conducted thorough user research, including usability testing & interviews before and after launch, along with multiple rounds of wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes.


Originally conceived to enhance Pulumi users’ search experience, the project evolved during initial interviews into the creation of a completely new ‘Resources’ page.


This endeavor was a rewarding challenge, pushing me to expand my design skills and overall tech knowledge. The new search experience entailed designing a customizable table UI and an advanced search bar dropdown menu, including the creation of search query syntax for filtering—a novel addition to Pulumi search.

The project kicked off in October 2022, entered beta testing February 2023, and was released to all Pulumi Cloud users in April.

Compiling the Research…

My teammate and I conduction a usability test with a frequent Pulumi Cloud user. I ran the test while she acted as observer and note taker.

After interviewing around 6 users, I started Affinity mapping the user tests to identify emergent patterns.


The project is an ongoing work in progress. Some aspects deviated from the original vision, with elements added or removed. For a live demo and a brief explanation of how Resource Search works, please watch the PulumiTV video from July 2023 below.


Usability Study

  • Recordings of Tests & Interviews
  • Lo-fi Figma Prototypes


  • Design Mood Board
  • Wireframes
  • Hi-Fi Mockups
  • Hi-Fi Figma Prototype


In late 2022, the Pulumi UX team, collaborating with the Pulumi Cloud Engineering team, initiated the 'Resource Search' project. This endeavor aimed to empower users in swiftly locating resources and troubleshoot issues within the Pulumi Cloud app. As the sole product designer, I managed the entire user experience from conception to the official launch in March 2023.